Site icon War Room – U.S. Army War College


WAR ROOM uses inline hyperlinked citations instead of footnotes or endnotes.

The physical mechanics of it are easy.

What URL to paste can be difficult sometimes.

EXAMPLE: British military historian and war correspondent Max Hastings in his book The Battle for the Falklands famously referred to the Falklands War as “a freak of history.” In this environment, he wrote, “many of those taking part felt as if they had been swept away into fantasy, that the ships sinking and the guns firing around them had somehow escaped from a television screen in the living room.” (Hastings vii)


Often you can point the reader to the specific quote or topic you’re referencing in your work with a few extra parameters in the hyperlink.

When referencing an online article you can highlight the specific text in question by adding the parameter #:~:text= to the end of the hyperlink followed by the text. The hyperlink below will open the page to the desired text and highlight it. Click on the link to see.

EXAMPLE: of war may be uniquely susceptible to the dodo’s problem

PDF files often don’t work with the specific text search shown above but you can point to a page in an online PDF document. Simply add #page=5 immediately after the URL where 5 is the page you want to open.


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