March 26, 2025

Lando Kirchmair

Lando Kirchmair is Deputy Professor for National and International Public Law with a focus on the Protection of Cultural Heritage at the Universität der Bundeswehr München. He studied law, business law, Spanish and Portuguese as well as psychology at the Universities of Innsbruck, Salamanca and Salzburg, holding Magister iuris (2009) and Magister iuris rerum oeconomicarum (2010) degrees from the University of Innsbruck and a Doctor iuris (with distinction; "Die Theorie des Rechtserzeugerkreises", Duncker & Humblot 2013) from the University of Salzburg (2012). His research interests include the interplay between legal orders, concentrating on questions of international, EU, and national public law, as well as legal philosophy. A particular focus of his current research agenda lies in cultural heritage protection as well as law and interdisciplinarity.