February 8, 2025
In September 2019 we introduced you to the Eisenhower Series College Program (ESCP). Though we are approaching life as we remember it pre-COVID, travel limitations significantly limited the ESCP from visiting colleges and universities, interacting with audiences often unfamiliar with members of the U.S. Military. It is our hope at WAR ROOM to bring you a glimpse of what some of those presentations might have looked like via A BETTER PEACE. In the third and final episode of academic year 2021 our podcast editor Ron Granieri is joined by War College students and ESCP members Rena Henderson-Alailima, Jeff Munn and Nicholas Ploetz. Today's conversation addresses the internal dimensions of strategy. Once again three professional military officers and leaders apply the sum total of their experiences to examine climate change, the resulting resourcing strategy and the future of autonomous technology as it all impacts military strategy. Transcript: https://warroom.armywarcollege.edu/wp-content/uploads/21-088-STRATEGY-FROM-THE-INSIDE-OUT-EISENHOWER-SERIES-Transcript.pdf

In September 2019 we introduced you to the Eisenhower Series College Program (ESCP). Though we are approaching life as we remember it pre-COVID, travel limitations significantly limited the ESCP from visiting colleges and universities, interacting with audiences often unfamiliar with members of the U.S. Military. It is our hope at WAR ROOM to bring you a glimpse of what some of those presentations might have looked like via A BETTER PEACE.

In the third and final episode of academic year 2021 our podcast editor Ron Granieri is joined by War College students and ESCP members Rena Henderson-Alailima, Jeff Munn and Nicholas Ploetz. Today’s conversation addresses the internal dimensions of strategy. Once again three professional military officers and leaders apply the sum total of their experiences to examine climate change, the resulting resourcing strategy and the future of autonomous technology as it all impacts military strategy.

As we continue to look at changes to fuel consumption and how we how we find other green type energy sources, all I can think of was all the legacy systems that need to go from their diesel engines to electric engines and the billions and trillions of dollars that would cost not only in the equipment but also the infrastructure at each installation.

LTC Rena Henderson-Alailima is an engineer with the Missouri National Guard, which she joined in 2013 following 11 years of service in the U.S. Army. She is deployed to Afghanistan and Korea. She graduated from West Point with a degree in civil engineering and holds a masters degree in engineering management. Before attending the Army War College, Lieutenant Colonel Henderson-Alailima commanded the 7th Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team.

COL Jeff Munn is an Army officer with 21 years of active service. He was commissioned from the Reserve Officer Training Corps at Florida Southern College in 1999 and served in various command and staff positions in the United States and Germany. He served in the Pentagon twice on the joint and Army Staffs, managing equipment, programs and defense budgeting processes. Colonel Munn has multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and served in Bosnia as well. He holds a masters in policy management from Georgetown University and a Master of Arts and Security Studies from Kansas State University.

LTC Nicholas Ploetz is a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter pilot who has served in a variety of positions in the United States and overseas, including as a plans and policy officer for NATO Rapid Deployment Corps, Spain. His most recent position was as an assault helicopter battalion commander in the 101st Airborne Division Air Assault. Lieutenant Colonel Ploetz also has extensive deployment experience to both Afghanistan and Iraq. He holds a Bachelor of Science in International Relations from the United States Military Academy and a Master of Arts in National Security Affairs, from the Naval Postgraduate School.

Ron Granieri is an Associate Professor of History at the U.S. Army War College and the Editor of A BETTER PEACE.

The views expressed in this presentation are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Army War College, U.S. Army, or Department of Defense.

Photo Description: Bottom Left: An autonomous combat vehicle demonstrates its capability during a demonstration of technology and equipment from weapons and defense industry vendors hosted by U.S. Army Futures Command at Texas A&M University, May 16, 2019; Center: U.S. Army Pacific and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Soldiers along with other support elements, work on erecting a solar shade canopy during the setup of a humanitarian aid and disaster relief event for the 2014 Rim of the Pacific training exercise; Top right: Two of the 14 electric vehicles currently in use at Malmstrom Air Force Base are parked outside the 341st Civil Engineer Squadron’s Environmental Flight.

Photo Credit: Bottom Left: U.S. Army photo by Luke J. Allen, Center: U.S. Army photo, Top right: U.S. Air Force photo/Valeire Mullett

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