October 25, 2024
We do our best at WAR ROOM to publish a wide variety of articles and podcast episodes that we hope contribute to the national security discussion. Sometimes we publish something that might not seem dead center of the military or policy realm or it might appear, at best, adjacent to the strategic level of conversation we aim for. For example, last year our best read article was THE PCS PENALTY AND THE ARMY FAMILY. That's why when the Army War College AY22 Spouses Group came to us with an idea for a podcast we jumped at it. This limited run series will feature spouses who share their expertise and experiences in issues that effect every military family regardless of which branch of service they're in. This episode introduces the production team of Kim Miller, Melanie Wilhite and Joanie Zipperer. All three women are spouses of students in the AY22 Resident Course and they were just a few of the powerhouses behind the scenes making this effort happen. They discuss the thinking behind the project and why the WAR ROOM: MIL SPOUSE EDITION is something you or someone in your life should definitely listen to. Watch for episodes to be released as additional content each Friday for the next several months.

We do our best at WAR ROOM to publish a wide variety of articles and podcast episodes that we hope contribute to the national security discussion. Sometimes we publish something that might not seem dead center of the military or policy realm or it might appear, at best, adjacent to the strategic level of conversation we aim for. For example, last year our best read article was THE PCS PENALTY AND THE ARMY FAMILY. That’s why when the Army War College AY22 Spouses Group came to us with an idea for a podcast we jumped at it. This limited run series will feature spouses who share their expertise and experiences in issues that effect every military family regardless of which branch of service they’re in. This episode introduces the production team of Kim Miller, Melanie Wilhite and Joanie Zipperer. All three women are spouses of students in the AY22 Resident Course and they were just a few of the powerhouses behind the scenes making this effort happen. They discuss the thinking behind the project and why the WAR ROOM: MIL SPOUSE EDITION is something you or someone in your life should definitely listen to. Watch for episodes to be released as additional content each Friday for the next several months.

We’ve been in a couple of assignments where we’ve had the opportunity to get to know families from other branches…We use maybe different acronyms, we have different names for programs but life as a military spouse is pretty similar.

Kim Miller is an Army wife, a mother of three, and a dedicated community volunteer. During her family’s 20-year military journey, Kim has used her educational background in communications and nonprofit leadership to benefit community organizations and mentor fellow military spouses in the United States and Germany.

Melanie Wilhite is a mother of two and Army Spouse for the last 15 years. German by birth, she’s adapted to military life and life in the U.S. as an avid volunteer at Army posts and the surrounding communities that her family has been stationed at over the years.

Joanie Zipperer is an Army spouse and stay-at-home mother of four and has spent the last 29 years supporting and following her husband through 15 moves all over the U.S. and Germany. She has held various volunteer positions over the years and during their travels, Joanie found a passion for photography that she recently turned into a growing business.

Ron Granieri is an Associate Professor of History at the U.S. Army War College and the Editor of A BETTER PEACE.

The views expressed in this presentation are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Army War College, U.S. Army, or Department of Defense.

Photo Credit: Jennifer Nevil, Desktop Publisher/Digital Sign Manager U.S. Army War College

Other releases in the “Mil Spouse Edition”:


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