March 28, 2025

30 years ago, we still talked about deterrence a lot in this country. We still talked about nuclear weapons in this country. Today, the broader population does not, and therefore part of my job is to make sure that that becomes part of the dialogue again.

What happens when an important strategic message is simply not salient to the audience? How does a senior military leader overcome disinterest or lack of understanding? The U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) offers an interesting case study — a unique organization with a broad mission of deterring “strategic attack” across a range of major threats — nuclear, space, missile, and others. But topics such as nuclear attack or missile defense are not as central to the public discourse as they were in decades past. General John Hyten, U.S. Air Force and Commander of STRATCOM, addresses the challenges facing senior leaders who must tell the organization’s story to a wide range of internal and external audiences — believers, skeptics, and the indifferent alike. WAR ROOM editor-in-chief Andrew A. Hill moderates.



John Hyten is the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command. Andrew A. Hill is the WAR ROOM Editor-in-Chief.

Photo Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Julie R. Matyascik

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